the essential kit

A lovely weekend!

We had a very busy and lovely weekend in these parts. Friday was my sister’s work-in-progress performance of the musical she’s writing. It was *splendid*, with four songs, the first of which was so awesome that the audience just sat there gaping at the end of it. The others were equally good, and the audience (of 60-70, which is a quite remarkably full house for the venue and for a work-in-progress) was utterly rapt. I filmed it, and when she puts together her promotional video I’ll link to it here.…

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The Story of Mizkit’s Downtime

Is too much. I sum up. Stupidity. Rampant, rampant stupidity. The slightly longer version is that due to Reasons, I believed that was registered through one domain registrar when she was in fact registered through another. When her time was up, I paid the bill at Registar One, only to find out too late that I should’ve been paying it at Registrar Two. By that time, Registrar One, who are a bunch of f*ckers (do not, for the love of god, use Jumpline) had set up as an…

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all the social activity!

In the past month I’ve had, and I’m really only barely exaggerating, as much social activity as I normally encounter in a year. First was DICE, the comic-con, then a weekend off, then Octocon, then this weekend our friends Alan and Colette were over for our other friends Brian and Shevy’s wedding. A&C came by and, er, well, helped me clean house on Frida, for which they were duly rewarded with gumbo and brownies, and for which I am eternally grateful. We can actually use our dining room table now.…

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too many miles

I have, with no particular intent to do so, walked in the region of 65 miles since the beginning of the month. I am a little sore from all this walking, and would like a hot bath and a massage. *looks hopefully at the world* I’ve been idly searching for the blank book in which I wrote half a dozen children’s book manuscripts. It wasn’t anywhere I thought it should be, but fortunately, in rescuing toy train parts a couple of days ago, I glanced into a box and there…

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a nice weekend

It’s been a nice weekend. Kate came up to visit, and I dragged her to see “Rock of Ages”, a film which she had no particular desire to see. Afterward she almost forgave me, except she doesn’t like Tom Cruise and the movie made her like him and that was pretty unforgiveable. :) I have made headway into cleaning my office. So far I’ve gotten all the Christmas wrapping paper out of there, which was a big improvement all by itself. I also cleared one bookshelf entirely of crap, which…

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