Okay. I give in. I have joined Twitter. I am a twit. I … have no idea what to do with it, you understand, but I’m told it’s terribly important for networking, and I’m trying to build access to my reader base, so… Surprisingly, I’m ce_murphy there. (Well, I think it’s surprising. I didn’t expect to get that username.) At any rate, I most solemnly swear to *not* pipe my twitter feed into my LJ. Another rather lovely day in Dublin. I met up with Kate and we had lunch…
Tag: friends
triumph. sort of.
I reached the part of the book where I can start putting stuff back into TRUTHSEEKER again. The place where I started to do that was, in the original manuscript, page 42. It’s page 85 now. A whole chapter went back in with almost no revisions, which was exciting. I have no idea how this whole middle section will end up working, at this point. It’ll be a little shorter, which will make my editor happy, but shortening it means the last section is going to have to be lengthened,…
a splendid day
The entirely wonderful Leah Moore and John Reppion were in Dublin yesterday to do a signing at Sub City, our favorite neighborhood (for some value of neighborhood) comic shop. I went in to Dublin to see them and to run errands, and had a really very splendid day. oh, this got quite long, I’ll cut-tag it…
Run, Astres, Run
A friend of mine, , is doing a 10K run for charity this Saturday. She’s nearly at her fundraising goal, but could use a few more donations to send it over the top. If you donate, drop me an email (cemurphyauthor@gmail.com) and I’ll put your name in a hat for a drawing to win one of my books, whichever you choose (including WALKING DEAD, which is out in 3 months and which I should hopefully get early copies of in about 2).
quick note
just to say “not dead yet!” I have a Kate for the weekend. We went out to Lough Key castle & forest & grounds today (we were on our way to Boyle Abbey, but we didn’t quite make it that far). She was under instructions from Sammy to show me bluebells, and now I have seen bluebells, and soon I will post pictures of bluebells. :) It was really a very splendid day tromping through the woods, and it hardly rained on us at all, and we enjoyed ourselves immensely.…