I’ve been verbed!

During today’s wars, I became a verb: SharonM: LOL, Cating. Hear no evil, see no evil, yada yada SharonM: Catie — not Cating meerkat: I like ‘Cating.” She is not a Noun, she is a Verb! mizkit: I’ll cate you if you’re not careful! :) SharonM: I know Catie. She COULD be a verb. :D meerkat: Sharon –exactly SharonM: See? :D mizkit: I must be a verb that means “inclined to workaholism” meerkat: “always in motion, the Cating is.” NewGuyDave: I need to be more cating mizkit: lol mizkit: i…

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nothin’ much

I have to say, I think there’s something to be said for this whole strange idea of “write 5 days a week and take 2 days off”. I had a very hard time getting started this morning (I do not find the ends of books easy to write, although you’d think they would be, since most of the work is done by that point), but I eked out twelve hundred or so words and then had a fairly decent set of wars. Aiming to finish the book by Friday (after…

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a day in dublin

Poor Ted had a migraine yesterday (and Friday; I hope it’s defeated today), so he didn’t go with me in to Dublin to see John & Leah et all. I had a lovely lunch with themselves and Pádraig and Deirdre (Pádraig hauled us all into the Dublin City Gallery to show us Francis Bacon’s reconstructed studio, which was a nightmare. I mean, not only could I not work in that, but stepping inside it made me actively uncomfortable. However, John, peering in the window at the utter disaster, said to…

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home again!

We’re home again from P-Con VI, which was one of the nicest cons I’ve been to. With the glaring exception of , whom I barely saw all weekend, I for once actually felt like I got to talk almost enough with everybody I wanted to. Almost. I keep thinking of more people I’d have liked to talk with as I type this, but, well, it was a damned fine try. The panels all went really well, I thought. The whole con ran *extremely* smoothly, and panels were well-attended and there…

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not really so much with the working

I haven’t started working today and I can’t figure out if it’s a bad sign (ie, the book is still screwed up and what I wrote yesterday is not right, and thus I don’t want to work on it) or if it’s just that I got up a little late and did a rather extensive Pilates set which pushed my work-start-time later than I like it to be and if that has set me off wrong. I *think* it’s the latter, compounded by the impulse, when I sat down at…

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