a-revising we will go

Got through the first pass of NO DOMINION revisions yesterday, and caused myself to burst into tears near the end. I hope that’s a sign of the book doing what it should rather than me desperately needing more sleep. :) To answer the most-oft asked NO DOMINION question: yes, it will eventually be made available to a wider audience than just the Kickstarter patrons. But I don’t know when or how yet, so I’ll keep you posted when I do. Today I have to rewrite a few scenes, add a…

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Today I’m going to start NO DOMINION revisions, and also doing busywork stuff for the epub like putting the (FOUR PAGE!) acknowledgements list together. o.O If you are a NO DOMINION subscriber, and have not filled out the survey which asks for addresses, names, and other moderately important things, you should go check the Kickstarter page to see if the survey link is there in your upper left hand corner, because the emails apparently didn’t all go through, and some 75 people haven’t answered yet. Janne and a couple other…

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redesign done

I believe I’ve now converted all the pages on CEMurphy.Net to WordPress, which means the redesign is more or less done. It’s not as done as I want it to be, of course, but if you’d like to go poke at it and see if you can find any pages that don’t match, that would be great. One thing I’d like feedback on–should I reinstate the right column Out Now material? The header banner covers it now, but that only brings up one item at a time, whereas the right…

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People are getting and reading their copies of RAVEN CALLS. People are getting to the place where NO DOMINION starts. People are making strangled sounds at me. :) Oh, hey. I’m going to be doing another Gryphon Beach Storytelling Hour soon. Probably on March 10th at 9pm my time/4pm Eastern/12pm Pacific. It’ll be a 90 minute storytelling hour and I’ll tell two or three GB stories in that time. There may or may not be a tip jar this time. – send story to jess – get badge stuff –…

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novella, my hiney

I closed out the NO DOMINION rough draft a couple hours ago, at 60,438 words. Novella, my hiney. It’s exactly twice the length I anticipated it being, and will without a doubt get longer in revisions. Which I am not going to do right now. I may very well even send it in the wreck-of-a-state that it is in, off to the Major Beta Reader for the project, rather than even do my usual revision pass which at least includes getting rid of the notes to myself and trying to…

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