
All day long I’ve been thinking of this funny story I wanted to post about, and now it’s the end of the day and I can’t remember what it is. So I will post my wordcount for the month and go flop into bed, and maybe tomorrow I’ll remember to be clever. Febnowrimo wordcount: 31500 / 50000 (63.00%)

50K & counting

“No Dominion”, the 30,000 word novella I intended to write, has just cracked 50K and the end is not yet in reach. Febnowrimo Wordcount: 25600 / 50000 (51.20%)

Crowdfunding: What’s Up Next

I’ve ended up with some FAQs about what I’ll be doing next for crowdfunding/Kickstarter, so I thought to close this series out with a poll, which I’ll post shortly (ETA: I have posted it! It is here! You should be able to vote by logging in with FB, G+ or OpenID, I think, so if you don’t have an LJ account, fret not!), and a tackling of the FAQs. Surprisingly (or, y’know, not), the most common question is: So will you be doing this again? Um, yes. Yes I will.…

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Crowdfunding: Commentary from the Crowd

I’ve got at least one more crowdfunding post to do, I think–one that’s more about future projects for me rather than probably being wildly useful in general–but this one is comments from the crowd: things people have said/asked in comments on these posts. I’m not attributing them, but they will perhaps give you (the general “you”) an idea of what other things to think about when launching a crowdfund campaign. I will add more questions and commentary to this if people have more to say. :) On excitement/saturation levels, if…

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On Running Crowdfunding: Boosting the Signal

Okay, I lied. I said I thought probably figuring out the reward tiers is the hardest thing about crowdfunding, but then I thought about advertising it and that’s much worse. There are people who are really good at shameless self promotion, and getting themselves out there where everybody in the whole world knows about the projects they’re working on. Despite No Dominion’s success, I’m not actually one of those. What I did learn doing it, though, is that either I have the most tolerant fans, readers, followers and friends on…

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