dribs & drabs

Or possibly dirbs and drabs, as I typed first… We had a nice day in to Dublin, though in the end we’re not sure either of us actually wanted WHO KILLED AMANDA PALMER (I thought Ted did, he thought I did), so I don’t know, maybe I’ll do a give-away of it or something at some point. Dropped by Sub City, where I picked up the last of the X-Men graphic novels that’ll get me more or less caught up to the current storyline. Read K.E. Mills‘ THE ACCIDENTAL SORCERER,…

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Day trip to Tulsk photos!

I *did* get some proper work done this morning, but then the mail came and there was this awesome QUEEN’S BASTARD-inspired necklace made by a fan so I had to stop and take a picture, and since I was doing photo stuff, I figured I’d better upload the Tulsk photos too. Dad posted his, too, and has many beautiful pictures of the graveyard. ytd km swum: 52 miles to Minas Tirith: 458.7

day trip!

We took a day trip out to Tulsk today. There’s pretty much literally nothing in Tulsk except a convenience store, a ruined abbey dating back to 1406, and an archaeological dig site dating back to the Mesolithic that we got to climb around in. Obviously it was well worth the trip out. :) No, seriously, it was! It was awesome. There’s also a visitor’s center, except sort of ironically all the information in the visitor’s center is about the Queen Mabh site a couple miles down the road, because they…

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day trippin

We had a very nice day in Dublin. Talked to someone about a possible Sekrit Project, and was roundly insulted by Pádraig (“Ah,” says he, “I don’t read any superhero stuff anymore, yourself included. EXCLUDED. Yourself EXCLUDED!” *laughs out loud, again*), and we didn’t find what we were looking for but managed to find other things instead, and I got very nearly the entire proposal for the second Chance graphic novel written on the train. Which is to say, on the computer while we travelled on the train; I was…

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nattering details

Himself and I went to the new Transformers movie tonight. It’s much too long, and filled with considerably more juvenile humor than I remember from the first one. They could’ve cut forty minutes from it and had an explosion-filled film with as much plot as they managed in 2.5 hours, but with a lot less of the stupidity. One never wants to find oneself thinking “wow, this is long,” during the course of a movie, or to think, “Oh, hey, when are they going to address $Plot_Device again?” ten entire…

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