why is the rum gone?

Or more relevantly, why does the to-do list never seem to get *shorter*? Speaking of which (heh) I wonder if I should put together a 2013 calendar. Not today, anyway. But speaking of calendars, I’m putting the Kickstarter calendar together and putting out one last call to see if anybody’s got photos they’d be willing to share, since the theme of it seems to be “CE Murphy Urban (forgive me) FANtasy”, and numerous fan-type people have offered up photos from places my urban fantasy novels are set. I’m particularly looking…

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things! many things!

I have *finally* gotten the green light on the title for the 9th and final Walker Papers! It will be SHAMAN RISES, and if all goes according to schedule, I believe it’ll be out in December 2013. (Book 8, MOUNTAIN ECHOES, is out in January, I think.) I spent some time this morning talking comics with a friend, and now a part of me desperately wants to run a Kickstarter for the second chapter of “Take A Chance”. This is no more practical than running any other Kickstarters right now…

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I’m not. But if I was…

Finishing the last story for the NO DOMINION Kickstarter campaign. I am of course inevitably thinking of running another one, though that way lies madness. I’m not running one, mind you. Not right now. But if I was… It would probably be KISS OF ANGELS, the Grace O’Malley story from the Old Races universe, which I (perhaps foolishly) believe would be novella-length. If I was going to do this (and I’m not), what I learned from the last campaign is that short stories are king: as rewards they were vastly…

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Kickstarter signal boost!

A few years back, a guy did a kind of cool experiment where, in an attempt to judge books the same way editors did, he picked up several books at the bookstore and read the first page. As it happened, URBAN SHAMAN was one of the ones he picked up, and the only one that drew his attention enough to actually buy it. Since then he and I have chatted a bit, and now Ed is running a Kickstarter for his first novella. Check it out! Also, Tim Pratt is…

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where did it go?

June has been equally extremely long and extremely blurred. I have had no sense of the day of the week most of the month, only a constant sense of bewilderment that it’s Not The Weekend Yet, or The Weekend Is Already Over? (I’m very proud of myself, though: I haven’t been working on weekends. Which does make them seem more important. Who knew?) For Kickstarter Patrons: the proposal chapters for HEAVEN CAN WAIT have been delivered. Almost done with the whole project now, except the pursuit of the physical objects…

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