Well, if last month’s release, THE QUEEN’S BASTARD, was sex, politics, murder and betrayal, than its sequel, THE PRETENDER’S CROWN, is betrayal, murder, sex and politics, more or less in that order. :) Amazon || Apple || Barnes & Noble (Nook) || Kobo Assassin. Seductress. Bastard. Witch. Belinda Primrose has lied, murdered, and seduced her way through the deadly courts of Echon, all in the name of solidifying her queen mother’s power. Now war follows in her wake, and with it, the underpinnings that have held her in place for…

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Launch Day: REDEEMER

At long, LONG last, REDEEMER has been released into the wild! I’ll start out with the links, just in case that’s all you’re here for. REDEEMER is currently available in e-book, and will be available in print within the next few days! KOBO || iTUNES || AMAZON || BARNES & NOBLE July, 1945. Soldiers are coming home from the war…and monsters come with them. THE REDEEMER Rosie wants to keep her job as a riveter, even with her boyfriend returning from World War II. But there’s defying convention, and then…

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Launch Day: Seamaster!

As always, I’ll start with the links, just in case that’s what you’re really here for. :) iTunes || Kindle || Kobo || Nook Once upon a time my oldest nephew asked when I was going to write books for little kids. He’s no longer a little kid, and I’ve been working on the Guildmaster Saga for years, handing early drafts over to him and getting the rest ready for the world. I’m SO EXCITED to release this book, which is the kind of thing I’d have been reading from…

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Cover for Roses in Amber

Launch Day: Roses In Amber

I’ll start out with the links, in case that’s all you’re here for. :) ROSES IN AMBER, available now at: iTunes || Kindle || Kobo || Nook || Amazon (paperback) || & at bookstores near you! Order with title or ISBN (978-1613171363) Beauty and the Beast is my favourite fairy tale. Always has been, perhaps since I read “The Wounded Lion” in the gorgeously illustrated ENCHANTED TALES (Rand McNally, 1978) as a small child. I read Robin McKinley’s Beauty until the cover fell off, and Rose Daughter years later. Between…

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Launch Day: Atlantis Fallen

Today is Launch Day for ATLANTIS FALLEN, first of the Heartstrike Chronicles! This is a book of my heart, with a long and sordid history; it’s undergone major revisions, and I still basically love it and hope you all will too. :) Without further ado: ATLANTIS FALLEN for Kindle! ATLANTIS FALLEN for Kobo! ATLANTIS FALLEN for iBooks! ATLANTIS FALLEN for Nook! ATLANTIS FALLEN can also be found on Scribd and Inktera if you don’t buy from the above links. It might be available other places, too, I don’t know. :)…

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