You guys have blown my little tiny mind. The “Hot Time” commission closed out at over $1100, which is, uh. Well beyond my wildest expectations. It’s far and away the most I’ve ever been paid to write a short story (excepting “Ill Met by Moonlight“, which Harlequin bought from me lock, stock and barrel), and I’ll do my best to write you a very good story. For those who couldn’t participate this time, there’ll be an opportunity from November 7-30 to buy the story directly from me for $10 (or…
Tag: old races
a solution
Ok, here’s what I’m going to do with “Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight”, as well as any other stories I might eventually put up for commission. The commission window is open through July 7th. If you pledge during that time you’ll receive the story on August 7th as one of the original commissioners. In November, I will open up a “buy it now” option where you can buy the story directly from me for a minimum of $10 (the minimum amount required by Fundable, just to keep…
holy carp!
I awakened this morning to discover the short story commission has reached its minimum goal! On Friday, August 7th, I will send out “Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight” to all of my patrons, who will be the only people to see it until I find a market elsewhere for it or even possibly until I have enough stories for an Old Races anthology. If you were waiting to see if the story was going to be a go before becoming a patron, perhaps this is the time to…
day trippin
We had a very nice day in Dublin. Talked to someone about a possible Sekrit Project, and was roundly insulted by Pádraig (“Ah,” says he, “I don’t read any superhero stuff anymore, yourself included. EXCLUDED. Yourself EXCLUDED!” *laughs out loud, again*), and we didn’t find what we were looking for but managed to find other things instead, and I got very nearly the entire proposal for the second Chance graphic novel written on the train. Which is to say, on the computer while we travelled on the train; I was…
twitter, facebook, shameless self promotion…
All right, while it would no doubt be easier to give away books, I’m going to write a couple of Walker Papers short stories (possibly *very* short stories) for Facebook fans/Twitter followers when they crest a certain number. For Facebook, that number is 250, which is only ten or eleven people away. (The story may get substantially longer with every, say, hundred more people who join the fan group.) The Facebook fan page is here. For Twitter, which the entire world seems to claim as More Popular, the number is…