Kitsnaps: Two-Toed Sloth

I actually brought my camera out to the zoo the other day. It’d been almost a year since I’d used it. *wince* Anyway, among other things, I kind of randomly decided to set it to RAW format, because, well, because. I will never go back to shooting just JPG, OMG. I mean, I knew RAW was supposed to be swell, but I did kind of assume it would be difficult to learn to manipulate the format. It’s not; there’s a Photoshop thing that opens up to deal with it automatically,…

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family, food, funny

Nephew: Excuse me? I have an important question. How powerful is Captain Britain? Could he beat Superman? Me, having already described the “the one who serves the story best” aspect of this kind of question and delighted to be asked: I *believe* CB’s power is drawn from the spirit of the British people, so potentially yes but probably only under certain circumstances. Nephew: Right, great, okay. How about Captain Britain against Juggernaut? Me: They’d go toe to toe. Nephew departs, totally happy ♥ :) I made Blackberry Pi on Monday,…

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Kitsnaps: Oxford

I had a brief visit to Oxford last month and although I didn’t have a decent camera with me, got a handful of pictures that I was very happy with, with my phone. I haven’t “matted” them, but I’ve concluded if I wait to do that I’ll never post another Photo Friday again, because I’ve just got too many other things going on right now. (I need a Beautiful Assistant to do that kind of work for me. Plus a lot of other stuff. If only I was rich. :))…

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late night dublin wander

I went to my sister’s musical last night, and having foolishly failed to check the train times, discovered at 10 o’clock, on my way to the train station, that there was not a half ten train, only a 10pm one and a half eleven one. So I ended up wandering around city centre, getting some extra steps in and taking crappy late night phone camera pictures, which I will now share with you. :) The General Post Office, commonly referred to as the GPO, on O’Connell Street. This was the…

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Kitsnaps: Reflections

Yes, yes, I know that the way to actually have my Photo Friday/Kitsnaps post regularly is to prepare them weeks in advance and get them set to auto-post. It’s the weeks in advance part where I’m falling down, especially because I’d *like* to post the pictures false-framed the way I’ve done the last ten or so. Possibly this is a terrible choice and I should reconsider it forever, especially as I’m reasonably certain the only one who actually cares about it is me. I just feel like the images look…

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