Y’know, I’m genuinely a little concerned about my TBR shelf project (the one where I have to clear out about 70% of my TBR shelf before I can buy anything new), just because it’s harder to read fiction when I’m writing it* and I have to get an awful lot of writing done next year. Somehow. If I was planning a massive *re-read* project (aside from the GGK thing, which is not massive), I’d be in much better shape. It’s far easier to read things I’ve already read. Less anticipation,…
Tag: reading
more media plans :)
I just discovered Ron Perlman is on Twitter (he’s perlmutations, since the resounding response from my Twitter feed was WHAT WHERE?!) and this has somehow immediately blown out of control into an 2014 International Re-Watch Beauty and the Beast-fest, so, y’know, if you’ve been meaning to do that, we’ll be doing that next year. An episode a week, probably, starting early (but probably not instantly) in the new year, with live tweeting. :) Along with re-reading Guy Gavriel Kay’s novels and clearning out my TBR pile. That should pretty well…
a TBRS year
I think I’m declaring 2014 as a To-Be-Read-Shelf year. I can read or re-read anything I own, but no buying new books until I’ve cleared out most of what I’ve collected. (EasterCon and World Fantasy added an awful lot to the TBR shelf.) Possibly I’ll go so far as to go around and make a list of what’s *on* the shelf, to keep a sort of focused order to things. Or not. I’m still going to do the GGK re-read, starting in January with the Fionavar Tapestry, and think it…
next year’s reading: a GGK project
So I’ve noticed that RIVER OF STARS, which I haven’t yet gotten around to reading, is Guy Gavriel Kay’s 12th book. I’m thinking of doing a GGK retrospective next year and read a GGK book a month, in order of publication, so I thought I’d mention it in case anybody else wants to read along too. Of course, realistically this means I’ll read the Fionavar Tapestry all at once and the, uh, whicherfligger Mosaic all at once too, so it’s more like 9 months of books rather than 12, but…
There’s a book I read when I was about 10, in 6th grade, probably, or possibly 5th. Anyway. I don’t remember the title or author, but the gist of the story was about girl who perhaps became ill and traveled back to ancient Egypt and lived there for a time. At the end of the story there’s some question about whether it really happened or was a fever dream. I loved the book intensely (I’m going to have to make the internet tell me what it was CAT IN THE…