I just went and looked at the TBR list I posted in May. On May 9th, in fact. I had 35 books on that list. I took 3 off because I decided I wasn’t likely to read them, and I’m down to 13 now, though I also bought at least…seven books while traveling to and from San Diego, because I only brought 4 with me on the plane and I read them all before I left Newark (I read 6 books that day) so I needed more. I’ve read almost…
Tag: reading
*happy sigh*
I have finally, after what, nearly two years? read Guy Gavriel Kay’s YSABEL. It’s not my favorite of his books, nor my least favorite, but it was a GGK work, and I am happy. It heartily makes me want to re-read the Fionavar Tapestry, which is inconvenient because I don’t have them here, and it reminds me I should someday re-read A SONG FOR ARBONNE, which I didn’t especially like. It’d be interesting to see if I just wasn’t paying enough attention. Hrm. That wasn’t especially fascinating, but it seems…
reading v. writing: fight!
I had sort of sullenly decided I wasn’t going to write today, and that I was going to read a book instead. So I went and looked at the (close to 100) books on the TBR shelf. And then went and wrote 1500 words on my own damned book, because I couldn’t commit to somebody else’s. It’s not you, baby, it’s me. I love you, but this relationship just isn’t going to work. I wanted to be with you, but I can see now that it’s a mistake. I’m sorry,…
I do not read urban fantasy by choice these days. I’ve written two UF series, and consequently, reading it is way too much like work. I read it when somebody sends me a book and asks me to blurb it, and that’s pretty much it. I generally enjoy them, but there’s almost always a real hump I have to get over in the first few/several chapters where my brain is going not how I would’ve done it, awkward sentence structure, natternatterpickpickpick. It is, therefore, a surprise when I pick up…
my tbr list
I saw this over at League of Reluctant Adults and thought what a great way to procrastinate! I think I’ll do one too!: a summary of my TBR list. I’ve gotten mine down to around 40 books, so this isn’t an entirely impossible meme to play around with. (Mind you, I’ve done that by setting a moratorium on buying new books last *August* until we had at least half the TBR shelf cleared. I’ve bought _no books_ (um, except the 3 I got Trent to buy for me in the…