death of a thousand paper cuts

So my strawberry jam didn’t set up, I got a new toy storage unit for Young Indiana and it didn’t have the screws with so I had to go back to town to get them (and then watched them open another identical unit to take the screws out of it, which helps me but compounds the problem), on the way home I stopped and got strawberries which then got crushed in the bottom of my backpack which is now coated with strawberry juice, it turns out the person I sent…

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Recent Reads: The Great Way

As I may have mentioned in the past, one of the great advantages to my job is that I’m often offered the opportunity to read books early (and one of the disadvantages is that I don’t always have time). In this particular case, I got to read Harry Connolly‘s The Great Way trilogy a little while before the Kickstarter crew and then the world in general. And I was, to put it modestly, chewing at the bit for the chance. It lived up to–I hesitate to even say expectations. I…

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Recent Reads: The Legend of Eli Monpress

Look, the odds were stacked against me ever reading this series. First off, the edition I saw turned out to be an omnibus edition, and I don’t like reading omnibuses (I like a story to finish at the same place the book does, if that makes sense. (Furthermore, while I was putting the books into Goodreads I discovered the odds against me reading them were even greater than I’d imagined, as I didn’t care for the single-book covers at all, so if I’d encountered *them* instead of the omnibus I…

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Recent Reads: Abandon Trilogy

I picked up ABANDON, by Meg Cabot, at the bookstore a couple months ago, and it ws the nearest handy book a few nights ago, so I foolishly started reading it at 9:30pm. I was brave, and managed to not read more than about six chapters past the one (ortwoorthree) I’d intended to when I picked it up. The Abandon Trilogy is a modern-day Persephone story, with quite a lot of clever interpretation of myth. Our heroine has had a near death experience and came out of it messed up…

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speaking of reading

Not that I was actually speaking of it, but I have faint ambitions of actually re-reading TIGANA this month (technically it was April’s book and I should be reading A SONG FOR ARBONNE this month, but, er, it didn’t work that way :)) just in case anybody wants to do my lurching read-along on that book. Ted just finished reading Marion G Harmon‘s Wearing the Cape series, which he’s enjoyed very much, so I gotta put those on my reading list. Which I should update, to keep me honest. Although…

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