day two books!

March To-Done

What March did not have was a lot of is blogging. There has been an awful lot of Life going on, much of it positive in nature, but still, there’s been a lot of it. In March I: – wrote a 5k proposal chapter – wrote a short synopsis & 20ish pages of a proposal – wrote a very tiny bit on the new book …that is not nearly as much as I would have liked it to be. And I know for a fact that April isn’t going to…

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day two books!

February To-Done

February has not been quite as busy as January, because January was shockingly busy, but I have also not slept enough in February, either, which is definitely one thing I did the same as January. Still, I got quite a lot done: – finished dissecting a book to see how it worked. it was really interesting and the post about that will be up soon at my Patreon – wrote a fairly intensive 40 page grant proposal – did about 15K on the new book – read a couple of…

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day two books!

January To-Done

January was an excrutiatingly busy month and I don’t actually know how I got this all done, but somehow I did. I: – submitted a manuscript to three publishers – submitted a proposal to a publisher – wrote & delivered an Old Races short story for and delivered a novella to the patreon crew – wrote a 2 page book proposal – wrote a grant application, including a 12 page book proposal – wrote a 10 page book synopsis/proposal – hashed out a film synopsis (still needs work) – got…

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To-Done, Q1 2016

My To-Done 2016 (Work Version) thus far includes finishing the REDEEMER rough draft, revising ATLANTIS FALLEN (twice, and am partway through a third), launching MAGIC & MANNERS, writing 3 short stories, and revising one short story. Somehow it doesn’t seem like very much when I write it down like that, and that just seems unfair. It’s felt like a huge amount of work. It’s BEEN a huge amount of work. It just doesn’t…look very impressive. Anyway, that really is quite a lot to have gotten done, isn’t it? (Please, she…

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Chance, by Ardian Syaf

to done

screw a things to do list. i should be keeping a things i’ve done list. today i’ve made bread, brownies, chicken pot pie & cookies, walked five miles, done 30 pushups and a load of laundry, put together a ballet barre, danced with my kid, cleaned the kitchen, worked on sorting out the office, and some other stuff i can’t remember because now i’m trying to write it down. i don’t know why i’m so hard on myself. i’m a freaking amazon. all should look upon my works and freaking…

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