best agent ever :)

Harlequin has launched a new teen line which I promptly got all jealous that I wasn’t writing for, and equally promptly came up with a Walker Papers spin-off series I /could/ write for it. So I emailed Jenn, who is under strict orders to not let me over-commit, and said, “This is the part where you tell me I really, really *really* don’t need to put together a pitch for a YA trilogy.” She wrote back and said, “Actually, this is the part where I tell you that sounds like…

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and it’s off!

DEMON HUNTS is revised, spell-checked, and submitted. 8-ball, I never knew thee. …of course, this is what being out from behind the 8-ball looks like: – revisions on “Cairn Dancer”, which must be done by mid-next-week because – my editor’s request for revisions on TRUTHSEEKER were “do you think maybe you can cut a third of the book and replace it with something else? *binkbink*?” – and then I need to write the proposal for the sixth (SIXTH!) Walker Papers novel – before writing WAYFINDER, the sequel to TRUTHSEEKER –…

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Walker Papers yay!

Mary Anne has sent me the earliest sighting of the Walker Papers mass markets in the wild: (“And look!” said Mary Anne, “they had to put your books on TWO shelves because you have so many!!!” :)) This seems like an excellent time to remind people that they can bid to have a character named after themselves in DEMON HUNTS, book 5 of the Walker Papers, or bid on a gift basket that includes all 3 Walker Papers mass markets plus a bunch of other cool stuff. The auction ends…

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Five weeks and ninety thousand words later, DEMON HUNTS is *done*. I was very, very determined to finish it today. 5700 word day, and I was writing scenelets all over the damned place hoping they’d add up to something I could stitch together and make the end of the book. They did. :) Buuuunches of work to go back and do to actually make the whole thing hang together smoothly, but I sent the book to one of my early readers yesterday before it was done and in a fit…

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cannot brain i have teh dumb

I think I have about a chapter and a half to go on this book. It is getting ever-slower. I have reached the Novelist’s Event Horizon. I’m coming to the conclusion that the last five chapters or so of any book is my least favorite part of writing it. For years now I’ve been skipping ahead and writing the last scene, and I now suspect that this is because I just want to get it over with and have some vague (if desperately wrong) hope that if I write the…

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