Stalking the Dead Storybundle!!!

I have been remiss in telling you about this Storybundle I’m in!!! URBAN SHAMAN is one of eleven releases (Two of which are box sets with multiple titles! A third of which has an additional novella! SO MANY BOOKS!!!) in this Storybundle, all supernatural detective stories of one kind or another! The first four books – Olympia Investigations by Sherry D. Ramsey, Death Coach by Sandra Wickham, Blood Kissed by Keri Arthur, and Dying on Second by E.C. Bell – are only $5 (or more if you feel like it!)…

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Happy 2024!

Happy New Year, mes amis. I decided to go in to the office today for the precedent of it, although I have no particular expectation of getting anything done besides a blog post or two, which I could have done from home. :) Last year was not awesome for me/us, and I’m not going to dwell on it much, although I was surprised a couple of days ago to realize I’d published three books and two novellas in 2023. Four books if you count URBAN SHAMAN’s re-release: DEATH IN IRISH…

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Ask The Author: magic systems, sorta

I am implementing an almost-certain-to-be-erratic Friday Blog Post based on reader questions! Today’s question is a very, very old one: “What’s the most difficult part when constructing a system of magic for a world?” That is a Very Good Question. So, like, let’s take the Walker Papers and the Negotiator Trilogy, which are my two longest/best known serieseses. You would not *believe* how many books I read about shamanism, animism, and Native American cultures while preparing to write the Walker Papers. LOTS. MANY. BUNCHES. (I was frankly slightly less concerned…

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VERY BIG Walker Papers news!

So I have VERY BIG NEWS! News which you might have already heard if you follow me other places, but VERY BIG none-the-less! I have gotten the rights to the Walker Papers back!!! Now, I’ve learned that this is a degree of Writer Speak, so let me translate: I never *lost* the rights, per se. When a publisher buys your book to publish, they *acquire* the rights, which then can, after a certain period of time, revert to the author. It doesn’t happen automatically: the author has to ask, and…

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Fic: Walker Papers/Supernatural ‘thank you’ story

I’ve written a little Walker Papers/Supernatural crossover fic story for you, my readers, basically because you’re wonderful. There are EPUB and MOBI versions of “Ghost Rider” available for download at my Patreon, or you can read it on :) It’s one thing for freshly-minted shaman Joanne Walker’s past to come back to haunt her…but when it comes back with a vendetta aimed at her beloved 1969 Mustang, Petite, all bets are off. But with the help of a couple of really tall, really cute FBI agents who definitely aren’t…

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