birthday day!

Today is my husband’s birthday, so I’m baking a German chocolate cake and we’re going out to dinner at a really good restaurant tonight. Mmmm. :) I turned in the copy edits for SHAMAN RISES last night, which means the Walker Papers directory is one final edit pass from being moved into the Finished Projects folder. Pretty strange, after 14 years of working on them. Just, wow. I note that the 28th of January is the 201st anniversary of the publication of PRIDE & PREJUDICE. This may be relevant to…

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Shaman Rises cover

an unexpected gift

I’m doing copy edits, which is the least fun part of anything, on SHAMAN RISES. They’re actually very light this time; the only real issue is that the copy editor and I have a violent disagreement over the Oxford comma (I am pro; she is con). Anyway, so I was reading along and suddenly something TOTALLY UNEXPECTED happened in the book! And then something else TOTALLY UNEXPECTED happened! And–it kept happening! I had completely forgotten all of the revisions that I’d done last summer, and I was sitting there reading…

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OMG, it’s Petite!

Wrong color, but O.M.G: 1969 Boss 302 found in a barn after 40 years of sitting idle. I can’t run a Kickstarter that fast, can I? I’ll pay you back if I win the lotto, I swear…!

Shaman Rises cover reveal!

I thought I’d start the new year off right, with a cover reveal for SHAMAN RISES, the final book of the Walker Papers! Would you like to know all the reasons this cover is terrific? Let me tell you all the reasons it’s perfect! First: the colors. My publisher’s always been very good about discussing colors with me, and I very much wanted the final book in the series to have a light, bright look in direct and deliberate contrast to the first book’s cover. So what do I get?…

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five things make a post

I have finished the major revisions to SHAMAN RISES and sent that chunk of the book off to my editor for approval while I polish up the edges of what’s left. My brain is fried. I have, tragically, run out of chocolate chips and Kraft mac&cheese. It should be noted that this is not related to the previous paragraph. I got hit with several spam messages in a row from a fake listserv. Now all the idiots on the ‘list’ are doing a reply-all and demanding to be removed from…

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