Mountain Echoes by CE Murphy

jumping around

In the last several books I’ve written, I’ve noticed a tendency that as I approach the end, I leap ahead, write the end, then come back and fill bits in. I have been doing that for this whole bloody book. Now, I know people who work this way as a matter of course, but I don’t, and I don’t like it, and seriously, what’s that all about anyway? This evening I realized that it’s because I’m writing the end. I mean, yes, the end happens to be 100,000 words long,…

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Mountain Echoes by CE Murphy

plodding along

I was obliged to stop and remind myself today that in fact by any standards at all, a 5100 word day is actually very good. Even by my standards, which as we all know are completely lunatic. I’ve done 25 or 30K since Wednesday last. It’s not as much as I’d been hoping for, but again, in actuality it’s quite good. The problem, of course, is I’m not even vaguely convinced they’re the right words. I have no sense of the book and frankly think it all sucks. Ted and…

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Mountain Echoes by CE Murphy


I am making people cry with MOUNTAIN ECHOES. Triumph! :) People have asked, so let me say it here: the audio version will probably be out on March 1, which is the official release date. Similarly with any e-book versions you cannot currently find; they may not be out until March 1. I have absolutely no control over this, and hope you are able to find the format of your choice soon. :) The NO DOMINION sale continues through March 1, MOUNTAIN’s official release date. Get it in print or…

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Mountain Echoes by CE Murphy

words on the page

Thanks to my mother’s good graces, I’m starting to get some traction on SHAMAN RISES. And let me just make this Note To Self here and now: Dear Self: Next time you write a 9 book series with plans to have EVERYBODY RETURN in the last book, don’t make it a first person POV series. Mmkay? Love, Me. Seriously. 9 chapters in and I still have 3 characters to get on screen. Jo’s thought of something clever and I have to make it all go horribly wrong. Momentum is beginning…

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The Walker Papers

pulling. teeth.

There are a variety of reasons why the opening chapters of SHAMAN RISES have been difficult to write. One is that I knew when I sent them off to my editor as part of the proposal that I hadn’t really gotten them right yet. I had to fix them (which was made more difficult by the 3rd reason cited below) Another is that due to Life, I have gotten almost no writing done at all in this calendar year, when in my dream world I wrote 50K in January and…

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