Mountain Echoes by CE Murphy

& that’s a wrap

Aaaaaaaaaand that’s a wrap: SHAMAN RISES went off to my editor yesterday afternoon, and now it’s all over but the revisions. I have one book left under contract and then I’m unemployed. :) I vacillate between relief and panic on that topic, of course. It does rather help knowing that if push comes to shove, I expect I could run a Kickstarter (perhaps for the 3rd Inheritors’ Cycle book) to cover my bases for a while. In the meantime, however, I do have a number of projects lined up–3 short…

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the essential kit

Not this world.

Me, to Mom: Want to do some hired sitting this week? Mom: What book are you about to write now? Me: Just polishing up the last Walker Papers. NEXT week I get to write the Spirit of the Century novel for Fred Hicks/. Mom: In a *week*? Me: It’s only 60K. It is possible there is something wrong with me. (And also, no, I am not going to be writing a 60K novel in a week, although it’s *theoretically* possible. That theoretical world, however, is not this one. :))

the essential kit

Hugo, Arthur C Clarke Awards…

My takeaway from the (now annual) kerfuffle surrounding the Hugos (and now the Arthur C Clarke award, as it has just been announced to have an all-male shortlist) is twofold: 1. I must spend more time developing my friends list, Twitter follows, and Facebook friends*, because clearly women who write urban fantasy will only be nominated for such crap if they have a lot of brainless girl readers who are willing to boost them up**, since after all, books people just like to read obviously shouldn’t end up on award…

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Mountain Echoes by CE Murphy

conversation with ted

Me, worried: I’m at the climactic battle & I’m only 75k into the book. Ted, phlegmatic: You’re at the end, Catie. It always takes you until the third draft to get the end right. Me: But I don’t know if I’ve got 20k of wrap-up! Me, hours later: Oh, shit, I see what he was saying. It DOES always take me multiple drafts to get the end right & this whole book is The End. Riiiiiiight. Okay. No wonder this is so messed up. I have, in fact, completed the…

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Mountain Echoes by CE Murphy

jumping around

In the last several books I’ve written, I’ve noticed a tendency that as I approach the end, I leap ahead, write the end, then come back and fill bits in. I have been doing that for this whole bloody book. Now, I know people who work this way as a matter of course, but I don’t, and I don’t like it, and seriously, what’s that all about anyway? This evening I realized that it’s because I’m writing the end. I mean, yes, the end happens to be 100,000 words long,…

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