Having just stated this isn’t a political blog … *laugh*
I would like very much for the CIA to go in and verify this. I’d like even *better* for somebody who isn’t affiliated with the federal government to go in and verify this. I’d like somebody who struck me as vaguely trustworthy — actually, the UN, which generally seems pretty disgusted with US warmongering, seems fairly trustworthy to me, but goddamned Bush and his cronies won’t take their answers as truth — to go in and verify this. Somebody who is not on the federal payroll. I’m pretty sure the CIA will find something damning, if they’re told to.
And this is why this isn’t a political blog. I don’t trust anybody anymore, and it makes me sad.
Maybe if they seconded someone from the CIA to the UN… nah, it’ll never happen.
Nah, it’ll never happen. :)