Huh. Just came across this meme and thought it sounded entertaining:
The TV Show Meme
1. Post a list of 10 TV shows you watch (current or cancelled!)
2. Have your friends list guess your favourite CHARACTER from each show
3. When guessed, tell us why you like that character
Only thing I’m not sure about is if I can come up with 10 shows. But I’ll try. :)
1. Alias
2. Angel
3. Beauty and the Beast
4. Buffy
5. Farscape
6. Highlander
7. Invisible Man
8. Stargate
…Legion probably doesn’t count. Um. Well, I’ll add more if I can think of any.
Alias has got to be Jack or Marshall. Probably Marshall, because he’s just so earnest and sincerely himself and because it’s very easy to empathize with the unabashed geek in him. (And, well, who could *not* love Jack?)
Angel: Spike.
Beauty and the Beast: Vincent.
Buffy: Spike.
Highlander: Methos.
Maybe I’ll do this meme too. Looks like fun. :)
Don’t know all those shows, but I’d randomly guess ‘the mystery-shrouded guy with the big nose’ for most of them =)
Now, would I actually be able to come up with ten shows? Hmmm….
*HOWLS AT JANNE*! *howls and howls* I have the *best* friends. *laugh*!
Okay, for the few shows I actually know:
Angel: Spike
B&TB: Vincent
Buffy: Spike