St Coleman’s Cathedral in Cobh, reflected in the harbour.
Kitsnaps: Celtic Cross II
I feel that this one is a particular triumph, for the grain of the wood and all. I suspect I’d like it *even more* if I’d had a 40 or 50mm lens to take it with, so that the depth of focus was more dramatic, but I’m very fond of this picture. Possibly I’m just […]
Kitsnaps: Ha’Penny Bridge
Ha’Penny Bridge is Dublin’s oldest bridge, and for a long time, the only bridge over which you could cross the River Liffy. It cost a ha’penny (a half penny) to do so, hence the name.
Kitsnaps: Christchurch Gates
This was not an easy picture to take. :)
Kitsnaps: Deirdre
There’s not much evidence of it in my portfolio, but my favorite kind of photography is portraits. I have a project in mind (don’t I always?) to celebrate 2016 in Ireland, with a theme/subtitle of something along the lines of “Children of the Revolution: The Ireland Michael Collins Never Imagined,” that focuses heavily (but not […]