Warren Ellis Does It Again

Warren Ellis has once again used the Internet for Doing Cool Shit. Today’s stunt is Strange Machine, a blog of Futurosity, in which he has invited his LiveJournal readers to write, draw, manipulate–in some way, create–their vision of the future. How far a future doesn’t matter; whose future doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you create something, and post it to Strange Machine, as one of hundreds of other creators, coming together for twenty-four hours.

My submission is an excerpt from THE END OF DAYS, a post-Apocalyptic novel of America. Some of you have seen this before.

Warren Ellis is goddamned cool. I’d love to do stuff like this. Of course, I don’t have twenty-five hundred daily readers like he does. :)

In *other* news, I sent off the novella proposal to Jenn last night and she liked it (yay!), I got the first 10 chapters of IMMORTAL BELOVED converted (I’ve only got them in HTML) so I can print it for Mom and Dad, and I plead with anyone who reads it to remember I wrote it in 1998. Oi. :) And, um. Oh! And Maria’s happy with her site designs, so I will be finishing all that up this weekend, yay! Aaaand I guess that’s all for now!

miles to Lothlorien: 318

4 thoughts on “Warren Ellis Does It Again

  1. Hrm. Getting a 404 on where I thought Immortal Beloved would be, or I’d offer to convert some. (Thought it looked like a good opportunity to play with Notetab’s ability to do mass conversion from html to text…)

  2. *I* read it and *I* thought it was perfect, and should be put into an episode. Phhtt.

  3. *laugh* Thanks, Heather. Actually, it’s really not bad, overlooking a plethora of adverbs and some really weirdly constructed sentences. I’d do some things differently if I was writing it now, but overall I’m really pleased with it. :)

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