commissioned short stories!

I have a burst of short story writing coming up, stuff I’ve owed people for some time, and along with it there’s a distinct possiblity I’m going to be offering up to five commissioned short stories for a fundraising campaign my sister will be running soon. These stories will be about 3000-5000 words and can, within reason, be anything the patron wants: I’ll write in any of my established universes (albeit nothing with Walker Papers spoilers), or I’ll write something new; retold fairy tales, a story about your cat’s super…

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Magic & Manners crowdfund

I mentioned this on various social media yesterday, but I’m still thinking about it now, so I’ll post here with more thought and detail. I’m enormously enjoying writing MAGIC & MANNERS, my Pride-and-Prejudice-with-magic pastiche, and I’ve been contemplating what to do with it. I’d like to keep going, but being a writer, I’d also like to get paid for my words (crazy, I know!). I’m also particularly enjoying the whole no-particular-deadline aspect, which means I don’t know that I want to sell it traditionally right now, or even do a…

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kickstarter goodies!

I have received coloring books from Ellen Million and the Digger omnibus from Ursula Vernon/Sofawolf Press! I’m going to have to get good colored pencils for the coloring books, which have finely detailed images that you can’t go at with a crayon. :) Awww! The Fantastrix coloring book’s second page is Roses, the illustration Ellen did for my YA novel RIGHT ANGLES TO FAIRYLAND. How cool, I get to color it! :) Bahaha. Ursula’s dedication in DIGGER is, “For Catie, a fellow member of the “just one more project!” club!”…

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The Dragon, the Witch & the Railroad

I could have *sworn* I’d posted this last week, but apparently not! Elizabeth Ann Scarborough, author of many wonderful books (including the Nebula-award-winning HEALER’S WAR, a book which her MFA professors at our mutual alma mater, the University of Alaska Fairbanks, told her would never be published!), is running a Kickstarter! It’s for a new book in the Songs of the Seashell Archives, which are light-hearted, delightful epic fantasy that I absolutely loved when I discovered them. (Among other things, the first book features possibly my all-time favorite authorial insertion,…

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six hours left!

There’s just six hours left on Chrysoula’s INFINITY KEY Kickstarter! There’s loads of free stories and stuff along with the book itself now, and it’s a wonderful book, so if you haven’t subscribed and might want to, head on over before it’s too late!