
I am not swimming this morning, because not only does my shoulder hurt, but I got a stiff neck while sleeping, presumably because I was in some way trying to compensate for the achy shoulder. *sigh* And the pool’s closed tomorrow because it’s St. Patrick’s Day. So I guess I’ll do Pilates today and try to go for a longish walk. And maybe try to buy a new pedometer. *sigh*

many thinks to do:
make bread
do pilates
count de money (de monet, de monet!)
maybe go to the bonk
– knit a bit
– color notes
– maybe go to tai chi tonight
– read, watch tv, draw, or otherwise do things that are not online
call the fuel oil people, which remembering to do was the whole point of this list in the first place

Oh, hey, today is the last day to participate in the week-long chat & interview thing over at Bitten By Books. There are 5 PRETENDER’S CROWN advanced reading copies up for grabs for participants, so if you haven’t gone by and asked a question or said something clever or what-have-you, maybe you should go do that.

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5 thoughts on “:p

  1. I am noticing that the knitting is continuing to show up on your list… if this keeps up, I’ll have to send you some handspun or something. I got yarn coming out my ears, and somehow the act of making more of it doesn’t seem to help with the getting rid of it… go figure.

  2. Woot! I did not know you were a knitter! That is so seriously kick-butt-fantastic!!! Have you wandered over to Ravelry.com? (do not work for them or anything, but am a member) They have a HUGEYNORMOUS conglomeration <–sp? of patterns, forums, knitting/crocheting tools and some really nice people. You should join us!

    I have been working on a ton of cowls lately myself, mainly because they are a small fast knit project and I love getting those ‘completion warm fuzzies’. On the second audiobook of the Walker Papers (easy to knit with your hands free from holding a book) and having a great time. Thanks so very much again for sharing your stories and your worlds.

    aka Justine B.
    Orlando, FL

    1. *laughs* I’m not a knitter. This is the first thing I’ve ever knit. Perhaps someday I will be a knitter, but right now I’m an Experimenter. :)

      I’m glad you’re enjoying the books! Thanks for commenting! :)

  3. Wierdlings is right, Ravelry is great. I was afrad to spring it on you too soon though, as it could be overwhelming and a huge time sink.

    Shame about the wool itching you too much, as I spin that or blends up for the most part. I do have some bamboo though… and that silk I haven’t messed with yet…..

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