
Man, what a headache. I guess I must not get them really all that often, because every time I get one I’m impressed with how much it sucks. Or maybe I just like to complain. *helpless laughter* I just looked at the top of my computer monitor, where I had this rather unflattering view of Lucy. This one is much cuter, although not nearly as funny. *more laughter* I think the aspirin I went upstairs and got is kicking in already. Yay for no food or something, although that’s probably…

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Gnaaah. Chantico came upstairs at 7:20 or so — after Ted had left for work, so I have to assume that the overly-taped-up cardboard wall I put in place last night actually held the little darling all night, blessing of blessings — and was Incredibly Hyper Puppy, which continued as I brought her out, and then after I brought her in again. She gallumphed around and I let her, to the detriment of one of Ted’s comic books, the remains of which I spanked her with, causing her to finally…

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Surprise visitor! Jai dropped by to return the first SiP GN and to talk. It was fun. :) I hope she manages to get some lunch, though. *laugh*


Owie! Well, actually, I’m a lot less sore than I thought I might be. My sitbones are a bit owie, since I went biking, and I can feel various and sundry muscles, but I’m not all that sore. That’s a good thing. I think. I totally failed to go swim this morning, thanks mostly to Chantico bounding upstairs at 5 minutes to 5 this morning. She did this because she needed to go outside and go to the bathroom, which she did very promptly when she was brought out. She…

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busy days

Well, we went to Gosford Park on Saturday, and Ted /did/ go along, and liked it, and I enjoyed it a great deal. So did everybody, in fact, although we all agreed that the accents made it sort of mushmouthed for the first half or so of the movie. This wasn’t helped any by the fact that the sound system at the Bear’s Tooth is a little lacking, so what might’ve been clearer in another theatre wasn’t there. Ah well. Still, a very enjoyable movie! Today I got up and…

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