Let Them Eat Cake Redux

Dear Persons Who Have Been Following The Cake Saga And Want To Know When I Will Make You One: Come to Eurocon 2014 in Dublin and I will. August 22-24, the weekend after London’s Worldcon. Seriously, you cannot possibly get a better deal than this: 10 days of fandom, PLUS CAKE. Love, Me

some things make a post

The e-book pricing conversation showed a fair amount of support for “mass market paperback price minus 10-20%”, which is pretty interesting. Thank you all for the contributions–coming from a position where I’m looking at doing a bit of self-publishing, it’s really terrific to get that feedback from, well, potential customers, to be blunt about it. :) In other news, I’m teaching a writing course (with an emphasis on fantasy fiction, of course, but equally of course I think any writing course can be generally applied if anything sensible is said…

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catching up

This is a post of things that are totally unrelated to each other. Just so you know. I haven’t been swimming. My shoulder’s doing better, by and large (though I think I spent too much time knitting last night, or possibly yesterday’s brief spate with free weights should have been done with the lighter weights, because it’s faintly achy today), and I’d been thinking that okay, I really should get back to the pool and that I could give it one more week’s rest and start after we got back…

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catching up

Working on the sixth Chance script, which isn’t going very fast at all, in part because typing is still difficult and in part because I’ve been…just not working, really. My fingers are vastly improved, but not better by any stretch of the imagination. This morning Zilli got under Ted’s feet and went YOWL and it scared me and my hands clenched and my fingers went YOWL too, because they’re nowhere near that bendy yet. They’re yellow and black now, mostly; I think the suface damage has largely healed but the…

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2008 in a nutshell

This is all ‘s fault. The approximate shape of 2008: To write, like, already contracted: THE PRETENDER’S CROWN (Inheritors’ Cycle, Book 2, due Feb 1 (agh)) CAULDRON BORNE (Walker Papers #4, due June 1) To write, not already contracted: TAKE A CHANCE 5-12 To revise: RIGHT ANGLES TO FAERYLAND To write if the stars align: TRUTHSEEKER CENTENARIAN To propose: THE IMPERATOR’S HEIR (Inheritors’ Cycle, Book 3) ElectriCity Project Of Sufficient Coolness & Yet Obviousness That Mentioning Its Name Would Give Somebody Else Perhaps In A Better Position To Pursue It…

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