Writing Wednesday: I finished a book!

It always strikes me, when I use that phrase, “I finished a book,” that I usually mean something different than 99% of other people do when they say it. Possibly 99.7%. I, of course, generally mean I finished writing a book, as opposed to reading one. (Although let me tell you, there are times anymore when finishing reading one seems like as much of a triumph…) Anyway, so on Monday I finished the (oh my god so very) rough draft of REDEEMER, which has been hanging over me for what…

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big career change!

I’ve alluded to this but not spoken much about it: early this year, my agency and I parted ways over what amounts to a disgreement about the direction of my career. It’s a little nerve-wracking to split with an agent of ten years (hence my reluctance to talk about it much!), but in last month the rest of my life slowed down enough that I was able to finally focus on getting a new agent. And I am now delighted to announce that henceforth, I will be a client of…

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the essential kit


I just finished reading Carol Berg’s THE DAEMON PRISM (which, like nearly everything Carol writes, is on my list of Favorite Books), and it got me to thinking about what makes epic work and what makes it work on a huge, international bestseller level. Carol’s epic fantasy usually focuses on a handful of people, rather than a cast of thousands, like (for example) GRRM. They’re very different storytelling styles and obviously bring different things to the table, both of which I find appealing in different ways. I wonder if one…

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redesign done

I believe I’ve now converted all the pages on CEMurphy.Net to WordPress, which means the redesign is more or less done. It’s not as done as I want it to be, of course, but if you’d like to go poke at it and see if you can find any pages that don’t match, that would be great. One thing I’d like feedback on–should I reinstate the right column Out Now material? The header banner covers it now, but that only brings up one item at a time, whereas the right…

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Apparently I’m a question in the X-Box Trivial Pursuit game. “What city does C.E. Murphy’s Negotiator series take place in?” *Buh*. No, let me repeat: *buh*! In other news it has just struck me that the 10 pages of “Hot Time” I wrote today may have all just gotten me up to the beginning. This is…somewhat dismaying. I’ve written well over 6000 words on it so far. It’d be nice if more than half of that was useable. o.O I’m now going to spend the entire weekend playing City of…

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