attempting to psych myself up…

I got up a couple minutes after 7 and wandered in to my office to start writing. Felt drowsy and considered going back to bed. Then the garbage men came and I had to run and put the garbage out, and then I thought, well, maybe I just need some fuel, so I had breakfast and checked my email, and, well, now I’m blog posting and am not feeling especially interested in working on my book. I think I’ve entered the Novelist’s Event Horizon. I’ve got just a bit over…

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a wash, or not

Today was, by all appearances, an utter wash. I slept really poorly and was too tired to think, so after sitting at the computer for an hour and writing 67 words (two of which were “CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE”), I went back to bed for two hours. I finally dragged myself back to the computer, not at all full of confidence, at a quarter after 3 this afternoon. I figured if I could get a thousand words done it’d be enough. Yesterday, after all, was a 6K day, so it’d even out…

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guest blogging

I’m guest blogging today over at miladyinsanity! Unless this chapter does something totally unexpected, I’m not going to finish this book today. Knowing this makes working on it somewhat less fun. Unfortunately, if I don’t work on it, I won’t finish the damned thing tomorrow, either, and I have *got* to have it turned in by Wednesday because I’ve got AAs to do for HANDS OF FLAME, and they’ve already given me a week extension on those while I try to finish up TPC. Also, surprisingly, someone sent me a…

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trying something new

Yesterday, after spending three days slogging through genuinely not very good writing, I did something I’ve never done before while writing a book: I gave myself permission to skip the hard part. Mostly I don’t do that, because mostly if I skip a bit when I come back to that part I’ve forgotten that I /did/ skip something, and I’m really pissed off and it’s not any easier to write it than it would’ve been in the first place, but with added bonus of being pissed about the whole thing.…

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this can’t be a good sign

I woke up this morning with “Wheels On The Bus (Go Round and Round)” stuck in my head. I don’t even have any children on whom this can be blamed. This *cannot* be a good sign… Thinks to do this evening if I can hold my brain together enough to do them: – answer matrice mail – answer dabel mail – answer fan mail – watch Torchwood (this, I can do) *sigh* All right, off to a slightly later start than the last couple days. I plead for encouragement today.…

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