the essential kit

i’d say i’m tired…

…but I recently read an “advice to young people” thing that said, “Don’t tell people you’re tired. Everybody’s tired, and they don’t care if you are too.” Actually, what I thought about that was, 1. F#ck you, asshole, and 2. There’s obviously something wrong with our society if tired is everybody’s default. But anyway. I do wish I’d stop waking up at 5am, because I almost never get any meaningful sleep once that happens. Alternately, I suppose I wish I’d go to bed at 9pm so waking up at 5…

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All day long I’ve been thinking of this funny story I wanted to post about, and now it’s the end of the day and I can’t remember what it is. So I will post my wordcount for the month and go flop into bed, and maybe tomorrow I’ll remember to be clever. Febnowrimo wordcount: 31500 / 50000 (63.00%)

so. tired.

I went out for tapas with YA author Sarah Rees Brennan last night, which was enormously fun. Hanging out with Sarah usually is. She tells stories exactly the same way she writes in her blog, and it’s very very funny, even when she’s talking about awful things. Or possibly especially when she’s talking about awful things. :) Anyway, we ordered one of everything on the menu (not really, but only because after we’d ordered six items the waiter said, “That’s enough, ladies. That’s a lot of food,” to which we…

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Five Writing Things Make A Post

Thing One: Last year Laura Anne Gilman wrote a terrific series of essential things for the writer in your life to know. Now she’s compiled them into an e-book, so if you’re looking for the distilled wisdom of a former editor turned novelist, this is the place to go! Thing Two: I have not gotten “Twenty Years After”, the 3rd “No Dominion” Kickstarter story, out to patrons. Mea culpa. :( I have a few more edits to do on it, and the end of the month just somehow got away…

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