I’m going to have to do something about the fact that my Computer That Goes Clunk can no longer run any image manipulation programs (the failed update that caused it to start Going Clunk had something to do with the graphics card, and even *booting* photoshop elements is now impossible), because I’m running low on the handful of Photo Friday images I’d prepped. Fortunately (?) I’ve been doing such a bad job remembering to post them they’ve lasted a while… :} Reflection on the Grand Canal in Athy, Co Kildare,…
Author: mizkit
don’t tell me truth hurts
…little girl ’cause it hurts like hell I wouldn’t have thought I’d have two posts to make about David Bowie, but then, I wouldn’t have really thought I’d have *one* post to make about him, so what do I know? I’ve spent most of the last two evenings, when I’m not writing, going through my FB friends’ list and listening to all the Bowie songs they’ve linked to. Or rather, that was my plan. What actually happened was that on Monday evening a friend posted, “So I’ve been working on…
rage machine murder bot
Yesterday I woke up a rage machine murder bot. Ted suggested I stay home from the thing I was supposed to do and work instead, as the combination of the thing I was supposed to do and having done *no work* lately were the basic components of my rage, and although I should have done the thing I had a giant hot chocolate with a lot of whipped cream and wrote instead, and by noon I had mostly (mostly) thrown off the desire to murder absolutely everything. I had to…
It’s only forever…
…not long at all… I wouldn’t think that David Bowie’s death would hit me so hard. It’s just so damned unexpected. Elizabeth Bear said once that David Bowie would still be cool at the heat death of the universe. I think I vaguely expected him to still be *there*, at the heat death of the universe. I mean, I don’t know, right? The 80s. Jareth. Let’s Dance. Under Pressure. The truth is that my Bowie oeuvre is almost strictly 80s. I only heard his Christmas carol with Bing Crosby when…
Kitsnaps: Red Cow
I’m irrationally fond of this cow picture. It’s not, technically, even a good photo–the focus is a little soft–but I just love this cow. It is a good red cow. It has a good cow face. I love you, cow. ♥