home from Octocon

We are home from a lovely weekend at Octocon, where we saw many friends and had good conversations. I brought about eight pounds of fudge to the con, and passed it out to the attendees of the Golden Blasters film festival on Friday night. Probably the best two bits of that were saying to people, “If you’re allergic to anything except gluten you can’t eat this, but it’s gluten-free,” and having one woman LIGHT UP when she was told it was gluten-free and safe for her to eat. (Eggs, dairy,…

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a fruit problem

We discovered we have a crabapple tree in the front garden. Chaos immediately ensued, resulting in this: I may have a fruit problem. Today I washed and chopped and boiled and strained all EIGHT POUNDS of those, and by the time I was done I was too tired to make jelly even if all I had to do was pour it all into a pot and boil it with sugar for fifteen minutes. And actually jar it. That was the part that seemed too hard. But the juice is an…

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Epic Disciplinary Parent Fail

Epic disciplinary parenting fail: Note from teacher: Young Indiana had to be spoken to in the yard for licking other children. Me, already trying not to giggle: Indy, did you lick someone in the yard today? Indy, full of big blue eyes and guilelessness: Remember the game we were playing where we were dogs? Me: …yes… Indy: I saw one of my owners, so I had to lick him! Me: ‪*completely loses it, bursts out laughing* I’m still giggling. I eventually managed to look solemn enough to say he shouldn’t…

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I got words this week.

I got quite a few words this week, actually. Twelve or so thousand, which is a whole lot more than I’ve done in a long time. I even had a 5K day yesterday, which lent some faint hope that I’m actually getting back into the habit, swing of things, and stride. I reached 30K on REDEEMER, which is probably the 25% mark (it could be the 1/3rd mark, but probably not). It feels like that’s about all I’ve been doing, though. I’m trying to figure out how to store more…

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A rimfrosted Celtic cross glows in the sunrise.

Kitsnaps: Frosty Cross

This photo is basically why I’m slow and reluctant to throw out old digital images. When I first looked at this, I didn’t think much of it, and put it away into a folder of things I wasn’t going to do any post-process on. Years and years later I opened it up again for some reason and went “Holy crap, that’s amazing,” and it’s ended up one of my favourite pictures. It also ended up as the cover for Chaz Brenchley’s wonderful DEAD OF LIGHT, which he reissued a while…

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