*lurches out of the darkness, stares around wildly* I’ve just finished up page proofs on MAGIC & MANNERS, which will be widely available…uh, pretty much as soon as there’s cover art. :) Working on REDEEMER, having just reached the (hopefully) halfway point and having (definitely) gotten all the long-term recurring characters on the page. Except the one who isn’t introduced in this book but nevermind that. Hosting American Thanksgiving at our place this Saturday (because for some inexplicable reason, the Irish don’t have next Thursday and Friday off work), and…
Author: mizkit
Kitsnaps: Song Thrush at Sunrise
Look! Look! I’m remembering to post a Friday Photo! Very late, but we’ll take what we can get. :) It turns out I really enjoy taking pictures of birds, although I’m not very good at it and get decent shots through luck more than skill. This one, f’rex, is pretty but a microcosmically small percentage of the original photograph, which I don’t believe I had the telephoto lens on hand for. Still, I like it. :)
unexpected WIKTORY
In an unexpected WIKTORY, I got 3900 words written today and am now only a day behind on Nano. Indeed, had I not run out of battery I think I’d have caught up on it, but, well. No battery. Fortunately, Chapters Books had gotten in GREEN EARTH, the revised, one-book edition of Kim Stanley Robinson’s Science in the Capital trilogy, so I had something to read on the train going home and things. For I’d gone into Dublin to have a celebratory drink with a friend who just turned in…
a wash
Yesterday (Wednesday) was a wash in terms of getting much of anything done. Oh well, it happens. Well, I did work on revisions for something, but there wasn’t much in the way of new wordcount. Today (Wednesday) I’ve finished the next Old Races short story, which will be posted in a couple of days. I’m…going to try working on galleys, but I don’t know if I’ve got the necessary level of consciousness. Galleys are mind-numbing, even when they’re easy, as these ones have been. Besides, I only need to get…
a good copy edit
– write 2k on REDEEMER : 2100 words – revise (or proof) 50 pages on one of 3 different projects 130 pages : proofed – clean a room (thanksgiving is coming) : total failure on this today So I’m doing page proofs on MAGIC & MANNERS, which is a very, very clean manuscript. I keep thinking I must be missing stuff, but I’m not. There’s just not much to catch. The copy editor, Richard Shealy at SFF Copy Editing, is terrific (and for hire :)). So that’s a great thing.…