Hah! I found it! In an envelope I’d entirely overlooked, because it didn’t have a return address, and the fact that it had both mine and Deirdre’s names on it didn’t register on any level. I thought: I’ll look at it later, and now, considerably later, as I’m putting the rest of the stuff I took apart back together, I /did/ look, and lo! There it is! Ok. Tomorrow I need to call the consulate, because they’ve got Deirdre’s city of birth down as being Anchorage, not Soldotna, on her…
Author: mizkit
*helpless giggles*
*helpless giggles* I just found a note from Deirdre in which she mis-spelled her own name. There is an arrow pointing to the error, and written below the arrow it says, “damn”. *helpless laughter* Accomplished thus far today: uhm. Not a lot. Blueberry pancakes for breakfast, compliments of Ted, thence shopping and discussion of how to build a new bookcase so we could rearrange the living room and make it look more open, thence home-coming where I finished (reading) a book, thence filling out PFD paperwork, thence trying to find…
!!! I finaled in the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers’ contest again! This time with RIGHT ANGLES TO FAERYLAND! I’m all surprised! Wow! COOL! Of course, I can’t go to the conference this year, ’cause it’s the weekend of Laura’s wedding, but cool anyway! Eee! And argh! And eee! And wow! And stuff like that! Eee! Damn. I do wish I could go, because Angles is YA, and there are agents who’ll be there who rep YA, and so far as I can tell, it’s near impossible to break into the…
Sent a submission off to Fantasy Flight Games to see if they want to hire me to write a novel or some novels for one of their gaming world lines. That would be cool. That’s about the only interesting thing today. :)
dwan’s fault
This is ‘s fault. Find out which Xena girl you are.