
Several people I know mentioned that they might be interested in participating in a non-November novel-writing ‘competition’. We rather arbitrarily selected March as our non-November month. March happens to start tomorrow. If you’d like to join the insanity, I’m running a mailing list. You can sign up here for the list. Hope to see you there. :)


Several people I know mentioned that they might be interested in participating in a non-November novel-writing ‘competition’. We rather arbitrarily selected March as our non-November month. March happens to start tomorrow. If you’d like to join the insanity, I’m running a mailing list. You can sign up here for the list. Hope to see you there. :)

oop. crap.

Oop. Crap. Turns out I had chapter 20 in the complete manuscript twice, so I’ve actually only got an 87K ms. Well, oh well. I’ll see if edits today add any more to that, and then she goes into der mail.

writing, editing, etc

A _mere_ thousand words of writing both today and yesterday: the synopses for the second two books. I twiddled a word or ten in the synopsis for the first book, but it’s basically fine the way it is. So that’s cool. The end’s in sight. :) ytd wordcount: 97,400


AAAAARRRRRGH. The GOD DAMNED DOG just ate half the batch of cookies I made while I was on my walk. I even pushed them back on the counter to where I thought she couldn’t get them, but she’s been good about not taking stuff off the counter and so I wasn’t really worried about it. But she ate TWENTY FIVE COOKIES. And then she peed on the carpet when I yelled. AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGH.