who, me?

I’ve just taken a quiz that tells me I’m highly narcissistic. Whoda thunk? :)

bridal shower

Bridal shower photos! They made a paper plate wedding dress for Deirdre to wear. o.O

short ride

Okay, it was onlya very *short* bike ride, but 2.3 miles out I realized I was really pretty tired, so it seemed foolish to bike any further out, since I’d have to come back again. But I did 4.5ish miles, and that’s good. Plus gymming this morning, so I’m a morally superior sort of Kit, or something. :)


Biking. Hm. Yes. I think so. *vroom*

gym & things

The alarm went off at 6 this morning and pretty much totally failed to register in my consciousness. Ted said, “It’s six,” and for several minutes I really couldn’t figure out why he’d told me that. Then I remembered that meant I was supposed to get up and go to the gym. I thought, “Man, I’m tired, I don’t want to go to the gym.” Then I thought, “I don’t want to weigh this much, either,” and so I got up and went to the gym. 125 crunches 12 lunges…

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