Attack of the Clones was a very Star Wars like movie. :) It had some terrible, terrible dialog and some fantastic FX, and some scenes that made me laugh and clap and cheer, so, well, yeah. Star Wars. :) It was too long; someone needs to tell moviemakers that longer is not necessarily better. I’ve gone to several movies recently (including SW and Spider-Man) that during the movie I thought, “Boy, this is long,” and that’s not a good thought to have during a movie, IMHO. However, I enjoyed it…
Author: mizkit
Now I’m hungry, but the puppy has gone to sleep and I am loathe to move for fear of waking her. Humans are so weird.
awww awone!
I am aaawww awwone! Ted has flown off to Pittsburg for his work, and Shaun has been working ninety thousand hour (Title Wave is moving, and the contractors are lazy gits who haven’t gotten most of the work done, so Shaun’s been putting in *major* overtime) and it’s just me, two kitties and a puppy. The latter of whom is chewing on a rock. Puppies are very weird. Um. I don’t know much else. I’m supposed to go on a 120 mile bike ride, the fundraiser for the American Lung…
liner notes!
SO COOL! *bwahahahaha* As Ted and I were on our way out the door, Emily called. Emily called to say she’d been in her union meeting, which was VERY BORING, and so she’d begun reading the liner notes for Urban Family Dog‘s new CD, 3-Finger Charlie, and it had all the individual band members and their thanks-to blurbs, and then it had a thanks-to blurb from UFD as a whole. They thanked wives and Scott P…I forget his last name. Scott who’s the promoter at 14 Below, and Tony and,…
fucking netscape
Fucking, fucking, *fucking* Netscape.