I read a very good book last night, The Wild Swans, by Peg Kerr. It’s very sad, but it’s very good. I also made cookies, and then I went to bed exhausted. Actually, I did those things in the opposite order, but whatever. I have another ten thousand bugs to fix today. I also need to email my boss and ask him if I can have Friday off, because I need a break. :P Plus, I should drink more water.
Author: mizkit
I have a meeting that was supposed to start 25 minutes ago. I called in. No one has picked up on the other end. I’m getting pretty pissed off. No, I /am/ pretty pissed off. *snarl*
Ted and I went to see Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner at the Bear Tooth Theatrepub this evening. I’d never seen it before. It was very good. :) (It, like Casablanca and Shakespeare, despite the fact that people keep _telling_ you that it’s very good, is, in fact, very good.) The bit where Katharine Hepburn tells her friend Hillary off and sends her packing caused the audience to hoot and cheer and clap, which was *great*. Then we came home and got Shaun and went for some ice cream, and…
expressly kit!
Expressly Kit! Hee hee hee!
Well, I enjoyed the Oscars last night, mostly. I thought Halle Berry was very cute and Denzel was very stoic and I want to look as good now as Sidney Poitier does at 75. And Reese Witherspoon made Kitface (causing Trip to say, “Does that mean she should really be Reese WitherspO.On?”) when she and her husband Ryan um Phillipe? came out to give the award for best makeup. They read all their lines off the teleprompter like good little actorbots, and they got done reading the nominees and Ryan…