Thinks To Done, February 2019

A while ago I’d gone off to work for a few days and when I returned my sister said, “So how’d you do?” and I said, “Well, I didn’t get as much done as I wanted to,” and she said, “Do you ever?” and I felt really called out, like, y’know? @.@ So anyway, I’m going to try not to start these Thinks To Done recaps with “I didn’t get as much done as I wanted to” because…do I ever? :} So the studio didn’t work out and I decided…

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A note about Irish distances

This is especially for people coming to Dublin 2019: If an Irish person (or website, for that matter) tells you something is a 10 minute walk, they are almost certainly lying to you. It’s a well-intentioned lie. They reckon anybody can walk for ten minutes, I think, so if they say it’s ten minutes, well, that sounds grand and not a bother and you can manage that. But if it is actually a ten minute walk, that is a matter of sheer coincidence and should not be used as a…

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Picoreview: Glass

Picoreview: Glass: This is definitely the kind of movie M. Night Shyamalan would make to wrap up his Unbreakable trilogy, and not the kind of movie I would make. :) I liked it better than I expected to, really. I didn’t see Split, which looked too horror-ish for me, and also because of the political aspect of how badly disassociative identity disorder is portrayed in it. That said, I mean…they’re comic book movies, so if we pretend it’s not intended to be a real-world portrayal of DID and that rather,…

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CE Murphy & the Great Newsletter Tragedy

Ten days ago I accidentally deleted my entire newsletter mailing list, backups, old newsletters, and all, and it cannot be retrieved. For the TL;DR crowd, you can (please please please) sign up (again) at For those who enjoy stories of epic EBCAK, let me share the sad, mortifying tale. It was so so so so stupid. I was trying to set up a NEW mailing list for blog posts, and tried using the same email address figuring it would say “that email is already in use” if that couldn’t…

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Picoreview: Alita: Battle Angel

Picoreview: Alita: Battle Angel : This was much better than I expected it to be. OTOH, I expected it to be very, very, very, very bad indeed. I thought the story might be okayish but that the CGI would be–I was not convinced by it in the trailers. It just looked creepy, the anime face. The proportions looked wrong. I thought they’d landed squarely in the uncanny valley and had been unable to do anything about it. So I was really surprised to find that the CGI is by and…

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