Marvel Movie Marathon: Iron Man 3: meeeeeeeeeeeeh. This is the first of the MCU films I’ve only seen once, out of the 18, and it’s because my original feeling on the film, which apparently matches my rewatch feeling, was, “Meeeeeeeeeh.” There were many things I liked. I thought dealing with Tony’s PTS was great and important. I liked that a lot. I loved Ben Kingsley. I LOVED SEEING PEPPER IN THE IRON SUIT AND I STILL WANT A RESCUE MOVIE JFC MARVEL JUST SUIT UP AND TAKE MY GODDAMN MONEY…
Author: mizkit
Marvel Movie Marathon: Avengers
Marvel Movie Marathon: Avengers: I love this movie. I would have loved writing this review more if my browser hadn’t eaten it when it was halfway written, but I’ll try to recreate it with as much enthusiasm as the first go had. :p The truth is I was really not confident about Avengers. I’ve watched a lot of Joss Whedon’s stuff, but I’d never drunk the Kool-Aid, and I was grimly afraid we were going to end up with Magic Widow the Superhero Slayer for this movie. We didn’t, and…
Picoreview: The Shape of Water
Picoreview: The Shape of Water: pretty sweet. I haven’t seen Get Out and I’m not likely to, because I really don’t like horror movies, but having now seen The Shape of Water and not Get Out, I pretty well suspect that Get Out was more deserving of the Oscar for Best Picture (assuming it was between those two, which, for the purposes of this discussion, I am. :)). The Shape of Water is a largely sweet, charming, beautifully filmed, well written love story to the movies, which is why, I…
A Brief Lesson on Feminism & Queen Elizabeth I, by Me
On the way home from school, Indy asked about King Henry, and I said there had been several of them, from about 1200 to about 1550 (I was wrong, they started in 1100, but close enough). I said Henry VIII was the last one, and that after him his son Edward had been king, and then his daughter Mary had been queen, and then finally his daughter Elizabeth had been queen for a long time, and she’d never married or had any children. Why not, queried my child, and I…
A Comedy of Oscars
I didn’t really find the Oscars all that comedic (save for the dynamic duo Tiffany Haddish and Maya Rudolph, who should absolutely 100% host the Oscars next year, and possibly every other award show ever), but the home events around the Oscars were sort of comedy-of-errors-ish. Anyway, so I haven’t watched the Oscars since I came to Ireland, because the state station only carries an abbreviated version, the night after, and what’s even the point. But I really, really wanted to see Keala Settle perform “This Is Me” in this…