Magic and Manners cover

the week got away from me

I have these plans, man. Plans to blog daily, or at least week-daily. They’re good plans! But they’re apparently not reality-based plans. :) It’s been a busy week that doesn’t necessarily feel like I’ve gotten a lot done, but last time I said that someone said she couldn’t imagine doing as much as I do, so I’m probably wrong. *Most* of my work time the past several days has been getting MAGIC & MANNERS soft-launched (you can buy it on Kobo! and Kindle! and Audible!), and in the next day…

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lurching along, book edition

I *finally* got the proof for MAGIC & MANNERS (the freaking delivery service couldn’t find our Giant Invisible House). It’s extremely, extremely pretty, except it has precisely the error I feared it would: See that thin blue line alond the spine side? That’s the spine color, and it’s not supposed to be there. (There’s one on the back, too.) The system’s template was confusing, and the cover artist made the same error I would have. The PDF proofs showed that blue line, but it was possible it was just a…

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The Old Races: Year of Miracles

Year of Miracles & stuff

Last night I was feeling pretty pathetic and out of ideas for the last few stories in the Old Races Short Story Project (Part One), and moaned at Ted about not knowing what to write. An hour of brainstorming later I had three story ideas for the first part and one for the second, and today I went into Dublin for the purpose of voting, but since I was going anyway, also to write, and got 4K done on a new story. It’s got another couple-three thousand words to go,…

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Good Guys & Responding to Womens’ Sexual Harassment

A friend of mine over on Facebook posted link to this article, Why Women Smile At Men Who Sexually Harass Us, which is a good article full of things that are tiresomely familiar to virtually all women and apparently continue to be surprising to many, perhaps most, men. I think it’s a good article for men to read, because what prompted her writing it was how the author’s boyfriend, who is, by her estimation, one of the good guys, responded not only to her being harassed, but to her *reaction*…

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Recent Reads: Desdaemona

The only thing worse than having dozens of unread books on your shelf is when half of them are by people you’re friends with so you have the additional guilt of being TERRIBLY BEHIND on friends’ books. The only thing better than reading books that have been on the TBR shelf for years is reading one by a friend and it turns out to be WONDERFUL. DESDAEMONA is one such book, written by– –ah, see, now, this is where it gets meta. :) Ben Macallan is the main character of…

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