Recent Reads: The Legend of Eli Monpress

Look, the odds were stacked against me ever reading this series. First off, the edition I saw turned out to be an omnibus edition, and I don’t like reading omnibuses (I like a story to finish at the same place the book does, if that makes sense. (Furthermore, while I was putting the books into Goodreads I discovered the odds against me reading them were even greater than I’d imagined, as I didn’t care for the single-book covers at all, so if I’d encountered *them* instead of the omnibus I…

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The Hachette Job

For those of you who have not been following along–and frankly, I have no expectation that the larger percentage of my readers will be, because it’s a topic that at best affects them from a distance–Amazon is trying to force publishing house Hachette to agree to more-favorable-to-Amazon contract clauses. They’re doing this by: – not listing Hachette titles – setting Hatchette title prices at (sometimes extraordinarily) high price points to discourage readers from buying them – setting shipping dates for already-available Hachette books at 3-5 weeks out, instead of making…

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Tell me your favourite Walker Papers moment for a chance to win a copy of SHAMAN RISES! Bonus points for using 25 words or less, since that’s what the poor bastards on Twitter are limited to. There will, obviously, be spoilers in the comments. :)

Recent Reads: Abandon Trilogy

I picked up ABANDON, by Meg Cabot, at the bookstore a couple months ago, and it ws the nearest handy book a few nights ago, so I foolishly started reading it at 9:30pm. I was brave, and managed to not read more than about six chapters past the one (ortwoorthree) I’d intended to when I picked it up. The Abandon Trilogy is a modern-day Persephone story, with quite a lot of clever interpretation of myth. Our heroine has had a near death experience and came out of it messed up…

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Shaman Rises teaser chapter!

Wow, it’s only about 6 weeks until SHAMAN RISES comes out! Here! Have the first chapter! (…but read NO DOMINION first! You can get it at Amazon, at Audible, and at B&N. :))