
So I type very fast. The last time I did a computer-based typing test, which was, jeez, nearly 20 years ago, I typed about 130 words per minute, and I haven’t gotten any slower. The first time I became aware of how odd my typing sounds was at home one afternoon ten or fifteen years ago when my mom said “What’s that sound?” and I stopped typing to listen and couldn’t hear anything and she said “It stopped” and I said “Huh, I donno,” and started typing again and she…

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thinks to do

make bread fill out paperwork do something at the big computer what was that desc the Regency crap what else FOLD LAUNDRY ANSWER @loncon3 EMAIL! find contract debate contract terms perhaps sign contract wut else write ch 10 of magic & manners gosh that should take me through tomorrow

thirty directions at once

Despite it all meaning nothing, I may have accidentally-like written 2000 words on the PADYA last night (in 90 minutes, which is spectacularly fast for the first fly-by on a project). _And_ I included descriptions! :) It’s not the opening chapter (and here I sing Scrivener’s praises again, because it’s just a scene in a file that I can move to wherever it needs to go when I get that far), though I expect it to be early enough in the book to be useful for a proposal. I hope.…

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cognitive dissonance

So last night I was at my usual working space, trying to hammer out the synopsis for the post-apocalyptic dystopian young adult novel (forevermore referred to as PADYA) and I realize that the group of young adults at the table next to me is discussing (and utterly slaughtering) the plot of HUNGER GAMES. I don’t know which was worse, the total cognitive dissonance of trying to create my own PADYA while listening to the rehash of another at my side, or having to stifle the urge to leap up and…

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it means nothing.

The fact that I have created a Scrivener file for the PADYA (Post Apocalyptic Dystopian Young Adult) novel means nothing. The fact that I spent an hour and a half pounding out a gibberish-filled rough draft synopsis last night also means nothing. The fact that I’m looking with some interest at time-tracking software does mean something, but that’s something I wanted to do anyway, because I do want to see if I can quantify the success ratio of the exhaustive synopsis. I don’t know how many hours I spent on…

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