Fiery Sunset

Guinness grant

I thought I’d said, but maybe I didn’t! I closed out the Arthur Guinness Projects popularity vote contest with 2976 votes. The leader had just under 4500, and I’m pretty clearly in the top 10%. I think I might have been #6 overall. So now we wait. :) The judges will be announcing their decisions sometime in September, but I don’t know when exactly. Someone hypothesized it would be the 26th, which is the Guinness-invented holiday Arthur’s Day, and having had that hypothesis suggested to me, it’s OBVIOUSLY what *I*…

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five things make a post

I have finished the major revisions to SHAMAN RISES and sent that chunk of the book off to my editor for approval while I polish up the edges of what’s left. My brain is fried. I have, tragically, run out of chocolate chips and Kraft mac&cheese. It should be noted that this is not related to the previous paragraph. I got hit with several spam messages in a row from a fake listserv. Now all the idiots on the ‘list’ are doing a reply-all and demanding to be removed from…

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weekend report, again

Apparently a weekend report is becoming a thing around here. Friday night I went to see City of Bones with fifteen or so close personal friends of Sarah Rees Brennan’s. I actually quite liked it, although as with Beautiful Creatures they rewrote the ending so completely that I don’t quite know how they intend to go forward, assuming they get to. But Lily Collins was good despite some laugh-out-loud clunky dialogue, and I liked the casting for almost everyone. There were several times in the film I thought “God, if…

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of course…

…with the return of Kitsnaps I’m going to have to try desperately to get regular blog posts up more often or this will look like a photography blog. Which is fine, it’s just not, you know, what I actually do professionally or anything. :) Speaking of what I do professionally, the SHAMAN RISES manuscript currently goes like this: CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE (page break) CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN so I’d better get to it, eh? In unrelated news, I’ve almost got the dining room sorted out, and have discovered how few *books* we now…

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the final revisions

So the SHAMAN RISES revisions are really super light except for the five chapters that need to be completely rewritten. After finishing my re-read last week, I emailed my editor and said “okay, so my problem here is that I wrote it this way because the other thing to do leads down a genuinely unforgiveable path and I don’t know what to dooooooooooo” She wrote back right away and my first impulse upon glancing at it was “no, that won’t work.” This morning when I sat down to have a…

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