the essential kit

Herein lies a rant.

Look, I don’t know why it is that I get bent out of shape more easily over injustices in comicbookland than in sffland, but I pretty much do. I’ve certainly identified myself as a SFF reader longer (although by only half a decade or so, probably), but somehow comics tend to hit me right in the outrage. Here is today’s link hitting me in the outrage. The short version is that it’s Mark Millar (whom I have met and who is *insanely* charming in person), Todd McFarlane, Len Wein (the…

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Elfquest: Skywise & Cutter

a useful item :)

*bemused* You know what really useful item I have here? A signed, limited edition, *still shrink-wrapped* leatherbound edition of the Starblaze Donning ‪#‎Elfquest‬ GN #3. 30 years old! I also have a not-shrinkwrapped copy of it and of #4, and 2 copies each of the softbound editions, and as usually happens when I notice these things, it’s hard to convince myself I shouldn’t go hunt down 1, 2, and the omnibus edition I saw once when I was about 12 and did not have the $150 for (of course) and…

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AGP Party :)

If Swan River Press & I get ‪Arthur Guinness Projects‬ grants we’ll have a joint celebration party to celebrate. You’re all invited. :) Vote for us! My project, the Last Days of Ancient Sunlight, and Brian’s project, the Swan River Press!

weekend & thinks

We had a family barbeque on Saturday, which was lovely. (BBQ for, not of, the family, for the pedantic among you.) Ted even made baked beans, which om nom nom. :) I failed a third time to make decent ice cream, which is really pissing me off. I pride myself on my ability to make dessert, but custards are apparently not my strong suit. I have been given a non-custard recipe that Fred and Bryant swear by, so I guess I’ll have to try that. *sigh* Yesterday I went to…

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o noes!

o noes! Swan River Press has surpassed Last Days! O noes! (Actually, Brian’s doing an amazing job of promotion. I am agog and impressed!) Let’s see. Um. I had thoughts about thhings to blog, earlier today. they seem to have gone away. except I’ve become a convert to streaming TV, and we just watched the first episode of Jericho, which I’ve been meaning to watch for approximately ever. Five minutes in we’re like OMG IT’S ALEC FROM CONTINUUM! and Ted was all, “Thank God! Now we know how he fits…

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