long day on the home front

Poor Indy has a cold and last night ran very long for all of us. Ted and I switched out sleeping with him a couple times, thus ensuring nobody got enough sleep, which was possibly not all that smart. :) Anyway, the end result has been being essentially awake since about 4:30am, which makes it Very Impressive Indeed that I got my 2K in today. I did the first 1200 or so between about 6-8am, at which point my brain just turned to goo, but around noon I shut off…

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o lord we are tired

Young Indiana awakened at 5:12 today, having gotten up yesterday at 5:24 after going to sleep at 9pm. We are all tired. And the poor pumpkin developed a fever suddenly this afternoon, so he’s genuinely not well, poor wee fella. We have had a Very Quiet Afternoon of watching movies (How to Train Your Dragon really is *awfully* good, isn’t it?) and cuddling. Before that, though, we went to see my Mom in a dance performance, which was really very entertaining. The dance reminded me of a Busby Berkeley piece,…

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tap class

I walked like 8 miles yesterday and then went to 2 hours of tap dance class last night. My legs are a bit weary today. Class was…it was all right. I went to both the beginner’s and the intermediate class, and am nowhere near good enough for the latter. It’s not that I can’t do the steps, but I can’t process them at the speed they’re given. Truth is I could barely process the combinations in the beginning class, and I knew how to do all the footwork, which no…

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oh, *wow*

I have the most amazing readers and friends in the world. Oh my goodness. I just received a package in the mail filled with incredibly warm snuggly crocheted things: fingerless gloves, a shawl, a shrug, and neck warmers. Oh my gosh. So, so snuggly. So cuddly. I will never take this shrug off. And the *stitching* on the shawl! Oh my gosh! You can just sink your fingers right into it. Joliene, who sent these, exhorts me to stay warm and healthy with these items. I think that is a…

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bloody monday

This morning as I was getting dressed, Young Indiana appeared in the doorway and said in his Confessional Voice (which is slightly tragic and solemn), “Mommy…I have something to tell you. I washed the blood off in the sink all by myself.” Then he proudly displayed his hands, which were red with dried blood, and said, “I was putting my fingers in my nose last night because it was drippy.” Yes. Yes, it apparently was. And then it was very bloody, to the degree that he brought me to show…

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