the essential kit


This morning a nice man is coming to put a carpet into the dining room, after which the unpacking can actually commence. Except moving the big bookcase may be beyond my ability, so possibly it won’t really commence until tonight/tomorrow after Ted gets home and can help move v. heavy things. Today I have to put the skip out and fill it. That’s the biggest thing I really need to do, although I also still need to: – call airtricity – email nice lady at [redacted] to discuss [redacted] It…

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the essential kit

a true measure of quality

Today is the day the city council comes around these pars and takes away bulky household rubbish you’ve put out on the sidewalk. Consequently, pickers (or, as I’ve been calling them, scavengers) in white vans have been driving around the neighborhood since yesterday evening, checking out the pickings. They took the two cheap vacuum cleaners (or hoovers, as we call them here) but have left every other item we put out. That’s a true measure of the quality of stuff we’re divesting the house of. :) Our friends Brian and…

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the essential kit

the never-ending list

of things i really have to do today – dump: » large wardrobe » table & chairs » our computer desk what don’t fit wah – move thousands of boxes – pull up carpet – put hook & eye on that door – rearrange upstairs so things can be moved around – follow up on address with amazon – go to post office & change address – call airtricity – make cookies for big strong handsome men (also possibly give them wine :)) – get power tools – return stuff…

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the essential kit

i’d say i’m tired…

…but I recently read an “advice to young people” thing that said, “Don’t tell people you’re tired. Everybody’s tired, and they don’t care if you are too.” Actually, what I thought about that was, 1. F#ck you, asshole, and 2. There’s obviously something wrong with our society if tired is everybody’s default. But anyway. I do wish I’d stop waking up at 5am, because I almost never get any meaningful sleep once that happens. Alternately, I suppose I wish I’d go to bed at 9pm so waking up at 5…

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Mint Hot Chocolate

I was downtown this afternoon waiting for the bus, and I saw one of the women who works at the cafe I usually get a hot chocolate ate. She said to me, “You were at the Bon Jovi concert! I saw you on the big screens and I thought, OMG, it’s Mint Hot Chocolate!” *laughs and laughs* Mom and I went to Ikea before that and spent about 300 hours there in 90 minutes. I got a lot of things I needed for the new house, though now they all…

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