A friend of mine over on FB wants to go see Thor again and there was a discussion about it that I didn’t read, except one comment stood out to me, when he said he didn’t much like Jane Foster. I love Jane Foster, and said so, and he wanted to know why. This is why: Because Jane is a female character who is unabashedly intelligent and never portrayed as anything less than attractive. Because she has entirely realistic giggly googly-eyed reactions to gigantic blonde men without shirts. Because she…
Category: Comics
So I got outbid on that fabulous 1920s style dress, as I’d expected to. I was regretful but not surprised, and started poking around at other not-quite-so-good ones. Then I got an email from a reader. She’d clicked through to see the dress, her husband had seen her looking at it, surmised that she wanted it, and bid on it for her. “But,” she said, “I didn’t want it, I was just looking at it, so would it be too weird if I just had the seller send it to…
a media post
Media 1: I got my SiP omnibus edition the other day. It came with a signed print, which I didn’t expect, so that was nice. It’s a lovely omnibus. Its low price is explained by it being two softcovers in a slipcase (I’d vaguely assumed it’d be hardcovers). My copy happened to arrive with a dinged corner, which is too bad, but not too big a deal. In my ideal world, it would be 4 oversized (Hellboy Library Edition size) hardbacks, but then, in my ideal world, every graphic novel…
oh! *sniffle*!
Oh! A month or so ago, Ardian Syaf asked me to do a foreword for his sketchbook for the Singapore Toy Game & Comic Convention, because, as he said, “Considering you’re one of the person who discovered me before Marvel or DC comics did, I think it’s just perfect ” So of course I was delighted to, and I’ve just received a copy of the sketchbook in the mail. It’s beautiful, which I expected. What I didn’t expect is that the last page was left blank so he could do…
Has DC done something stupid today?
Yes. Almost always, yes. This week, DC has seen the creators of the incredibly-well-recieved Batwoman title walk off the job due to editorial flip-flopping and the ultimate, unexpected-to-the-creators, decision that Batwoman would not ever be seen marrying her long-time partner Maggie. They appreciate that it’s someone else’s sandbox and editorial has the final call, but the decisions they’re seeing are coming at the last minute, after years of plotting and planning–plotting and planning which editorial had to be involved in, so it’s not like the creators sprang “Hey, let’s marry…