Hooray! I’ve gotten my Mrs. O’Leary’s story started! 550 words to the good, that’s me! Hooray! Hooray, and g’night!
Category: Uncategorized
weird dreams
Between the time Ted’s alarm stopped annoying me and the time I got up this morning, I had an extremely weird dream. It began with me and Sarah and a third person, possibly Angie, at some restaurant sort of thing in Los Angeles, where Danny Devito stopped by our table and gave us each a $20 bill, which we thought was really strange. He tried to explain, but two extremely irritating women came by and wanted to take pictures of him, and he was being jovial and polite despite clearly…
HAUS! We have signed the paperwork! We have received a housewarming gift from the real estate agent! (Mixing bowls. 3 of ’em. 8 quart, 4.5 quart, and 2 quart. they match our kitchen!) We have turned the goddamned heat on in the house! Tomorrow, we will start moving in! Which is to say, I’ll watch everybody do stuff and feel guilty because I’m a PATHETIC USELESS LUMP OF PAIN. We decided we’re going to build a much *smaller* fence, so the dog has *some* room to romp. It’ll still cost…
back later
Back later. Right now, I have to go buy a HAUS!
well, dammit.
Well, god damn it. When we went in to do the mortgage paperwork last week or whenever it was, Mandy the mortgage lady gave us a closing-cost amount of about $7100. We said, “Wow, that’s not very much, does that include the earnest money we put down?” And Mandy said, “Yes,” and we said, “Cool!” Only what we were asking was, “Does that include the earnest money ($1000), thus making the final closing costs a total of $7100,” and what she was answering was, “Is the earnest money on top…