
Chantico can certainly take a Very Long Time to decide Just The Right Place To Pee. In the meantime, while she was looking for Just The Right Place, I had a sneezing frenzy. My throat and ears itch now. *snivel* I *hate* allergies. On the positive side, sneezing no longer makes my back seize up, which I still haven’t gotten used to. Oh, gawd, I have to call the landlord. Our floor in the computer room seems to have sprung a leak. Well, something’s sprung a leak, anyway, and the…

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Bwahahah! I have the POWER! I have a LASER PRINTER! *beam* My birthday present, a few days early. This way I can print out some stuff for a writing contest which has a deadline of the 1st. Woot! Go me! And, er, go Ted and Shaun, who bought me the laser printer for my birthday. Go Ted and Shaun! *beam* It prints real fast and real good. *beam*

back from the popper

Back from the popper. Ow. Probably in an hour or two the ow will be reduced, but right now, ow. He did something to my back which made it hurt *more* instead of *less* to lift my leg, and said, “Oops, that wasn’t supposed to happen,” or words very much to that effect. Well, no shit, Sherlock. :P He put it back so it hurt more or less as much as it had in the first place (it’s hard to gauge, after your back’s been heated up and popped), but…

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really pretty annoying

Okay, so this is actually really pretty annoying. I was supposed to have two fairly major projects at work, starting mid-May and running to the first week of July. In a fit of efficiency, I got all my bugs cleaned up and I literally have nothing hanging over my head. And my projects got pushed back three weeks. So I’m kind of sitting and spinning here, working on some smaller stuff, but wow, it’s really kind of annoying. Gnf.


Bah. I slept really really badly last night. I flopped and turned and flopped and drifted without really sleeping, and woke up repeatedly, and finally looked at the clock, thinking that if it was around 5am as I suspected it might be, I might just get up, because I wasn’t getting any decent sleep anyway. It was 3. :P So I flopped and tossed and turned some more and eventually got some pathetic amount of sleep and blah. Yucko. OTOH, I got my leavebehind I was supposed to write written,…

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