Besides the books I made off with from my editors (all three of which Del Rey books I’ve now read) I did hit a bookstore or two while in the States. sent the box over, and it just arrived. Bwahah. ‘s SEA CHANGE, ‘s CAST IN SECRET, ‘s CURSOR’S FURY, ‘s BLOOD AND IRON, ‘s Night Shade Books’ THE DEMON AND THE CITY (Liz Williams, who has an LJ but I don’t know it off the top of my head) and THE ALGEBRAIST (Iain M. Banks, and boy am I…
Category: Uncategorized
The only two Proclaimers songs I’ve ever heard are “500 Miles” and “I’m On My Way”. Is the rest of their music that relentlessly bouncy and mood-improving to listen to? Because if it is, I should get one of their albums. Erm. Where *does* one stay if one goes to ComicCon? Is the convention centre itself a hotel, or, er, what? Is anybody going to WFC? Should we do the banquet dinner? I did it last year (and met and , which was cool), but I donno, we might want…
thinks & stuff
thinks to do this afternoon and evening: – WFC hotel – WFC *registration*, for that matter – ComicCon hotel – put down a deposit for dance class – see if I can’t find a yoga and/or pilates class or two – hie myself out of the house to go listen to trad music tonight – organize some art projects so I don’t have to think about it and can just sit down to draw of an evening – call about the cooker *sigh* I also want to see if I…
a good day
Back in the day, when I had a day job, I used to do a lot of my writing at night. I rarely got up early enough to do it in the morning (except the semester Ted had to be at class at 6:30: I got a lot of work done before work that semester), so by necessity I got it done at night. I had the family (Ted and Shaun) well-trained: they just wouldn’t bother me in the evenings while I sat down at my Nook computer and worked.…
Why It’s Hard To Make A Living As A Writer, by C.E. Murphy
Hm. I need to make dinner and I should go for a walk, but there’s a reasonable possibility I’ll finish two chapters today if I don’t screw around too much before making dinner. Chapter eight was mostly edited down and switched around with old material, and a third of chapter nine’s old material and I’ve written another third or so. I could pretty reasonably finish it up, I think. I might just do that. (Rather some time later: there, I have.) In other news, because Mom was wondering today when…